Author Archives: Mr West
Sick day
I had a sick day on Friday, which I was pretty fed up about. However, it got me thinking about what people do when they’re ill. When I was a kid and had a sick day, I’d lie on the sofa, eat toast and jam and watch Star Wars (come to think of it, that’s exactly what I did on Friday). If I was really ill my mum would buy me Football Monthly, a grown up football magazine which I wasn’t normally allowed. This all meant that sick days were almost fun, although you used to still feel miserable because of the whole being-ill thing. However, I can remember hearing about a parent at a different school who said that if you were ill, you weren’t allowed to watch any television or play any games – her children had to stay in bed the whole time. If you were well enough to watch TV, you were well enough to go to school. I wonder what other sick day rules and traditions people have…
Day Three – the river.
I know I’ve written a lot about heat this week, so it’s a refreshing change to hear everyone talking about the freezing cold today. Not the weather, which was a little cooler but still pretty splendid, but the water in our river walk. I rather thought a river walk might involve walking to a river, possibly by a river, maybe even across a river, but I hadn’t considered we’d be walking in the river. The water looked and felt like cold tea, and came either half way up your legs (me) or halfway up your chest (the average Year Four child). I was really impressed with the enthusiasm and confidence the children showed in facing a challenge which even the adults found difficult. There was definitely a lot of screams, but they were of excitement, not terror.
The other big event of our last day was the end of the week disco. Mr Cook played a fabulous range of toe-tapping hits of the day, while I took the quieter option of umpiring a cricket match for those who felt like something a little more calm. It’s been another great day, and although the mood is cheerful, I think we’re all looking forward to seeing our families tomorrow.
Day Three – action and adventure!
Our third day at Sayers Croft was packed with activity. We’ve explored caves. We’ve built rafts, sailed on them (and fallen off them too). We’ve climbed walls, we’ve swung on ropes, we’ve built sculptures. We’ve even constructed our own Roman catapults and used them for soaking wet water battles.
And to finish, we had the Sayers Croft talent show. I can’t think of a better way to spend the longest, hottest night of the year than in the middle of the countryside watching this talented bunch of children. We saw singers, dancers, comedians and even gymnasts, with the show climaxing with a mass singalong accompanied by Miss Dziewguc’s guitar.
Everyone’s now settled down for bed, and we’re looking forward to a really exciting day tomorrow – our last full day at Sayers Croft!