Day vs Night

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6 Responses to Day vs Night

  1. Arina says:

    This is an excellent story.Good pictures.

  2. Simba says:

    I have a dream. That you will be a great storywriter! Try add more next time you have a chance to write a story.

  3. Victoria says:

    Impressive writing, lovely story and also very good explanation but I think you should work on your drawing.

  4. Arina says:

    I loved this story!

  5. Thulaciga says:

    Nice story Ayline but I think you can improve on the drawings.

  6. Serena y says:

    I think perhaps you could improve your drawings, and maybe add a little more detail to what you’re are actually writing. I enjoyed looking at your drawings though ; I don’t think I can draw that well on the computer. Next time, if you wanted to make your viewers more interested in your blogs, you could even label some things.

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