Kittens puppies and hamsters

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12 Responses to Kittens puppies and hamsters

  1. petra h says:

    awww. there adorable but saldly I have no pets

  2. lacza says:

    Those hamsters look like guinea pigs

  3. patel says:

    I like puppys kittens and hamsters too

  4. Thulaciga says:

    Awwww!!! I love them because they are so cute! I adore them!

  5. Kieron says:

    So adorable but my nan is allergic to cats.

  6. Polly says:

    I really like dogs
    especially the fluffy ones.

  7. Amelie S says:

    I love them! But witch one is your favorite?

  8. Ariana says:

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  9. Alessia says:

    Aww! When I am grown up I want 3 dogs ,pug ,cocker poo and king charles spanil. I also want 2 hamsters!

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