As you all know, Mrs U has asked us to debate the slipper question…
Is this as straightforward as it seems?
When is a slipper not a slipper?
Would flip-flops count?
Or fluffy soft boots?
Would it become a silly slipper competition?
Should this just be for Year 6?
if we were slipers it will make us sleepy
flip flops would probaly count but not fluffy soft boots.
i think we should not were slippers because they can fall of and they are for holidays not school
I think we should be allowed to wear slippers in school and we have been debating in class. I can’t wait to find out if we are allowed to wear slippers . I’m so exited!! SQQQUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
I think it would eventually become a silly slipper competition and flip-flops don’t count !
i think we should not because of aligies
wearing slippers is negative because we can’t go out, won’t consentrate and more stuff!
I think that everyone should be allowed slippers and I think fluffy boots count as slippers because they keep your feet warm too!
Fluffy boots are not slippers they are boots, neither are flip-flops!
I think slippers will be silly in a competition.
I think No because some people have allergies and there would be lots of competition.
I don’t think just Y6 should be allowed I think everyone even staff should be allowed to but
I would not wear slippers because Its so so so so so so so so so so conftible you will go to sleep
I think we should have a few rules so it dosen’t become a competition.
I don’t like the idea because I like school shoes.
The bad reason is if you wear slippers in school at summer sometimes your feet could get smelly and sweaty also you MIGHT SLEEP AND NOT LISTEN TO THE TEACHER !!!!
The good reason is that it’s comfortable .
The only bad reasons is that it can make you sleepy and it doesn’t give you super brains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i think this should be for year 6 and it is there last year