Multiple Choice Animal Quiz

1)What is the biggest fish in the sea?

A) Great white shark  B) Blue whale  C) Whale shark

2)Marsupials are animals with pouches (little pockets) which they keep their babies in. Which of these animals is NOT a marsupial?

A) Koala  B) Platypus  C) Wallaby

3)The largest wild land mammal in the UK is:

A) Badger  B) Horse  C) Red deer

4)Which of these is not a real animal?

A) Sea snake  B) Sea cow  C) Sea pig D) Sea horse E) Sea fox  F) Sea otter

5)Which of these animals do not exist on Minecraft?

A) Horses  B) Monkeys  C) Bats  D) Rabbits E) Squids








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3 Responses to Multiple Choice Animal Quiz

  1. Bethany says:

    1) blue whale
    2) platypus
    3) red dear
    4) sea pig
    5) monkey

  2. Ram says:


  3. Varzhan says:

    1.Blue whale
    2.platypus deer
    4.sea pig

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