My February half term

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12 Responses to My February half term

  1. Anush says:

    It looks like you have had a great half term

  2. Taylor says:

    You are so lucky to have snow!

  3. Anush says:

    It looks like a great Half term

  4. NOEMIE says:

    You must have had a lot of fun!

  5. Kamyar says:


  6. George L says:


  7. Rathana says:

    Was it freezing

  8. christina says:

    Lucky snow!!!!

  9. Clara says:

    You were so lucky to have enough snow to make snow angels and have snowball fights!My
    legs would have ached having to walk 6 miles but I bet the beauty of the countryside makes
    up for it!Did people there talk in Yorkshire accents? I hope so!

  10. Hayden says:

    I love snow a lot!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Wow!Emma did you go riding in the snow?

  12. Aimee says:

    Wow Emma, did you go riding in the snow?

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